Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why I'm Rooting For The Jacksonville Jaguars

Although my sustained interest in professional football has waned as I've become older and discovered that there are lots of other things I could be doing on Sunday afternoons, I've still kept an eye on my original and adopted home state teams - the Bengals, the Browns, the Giants and the Jets.

But as of this morning I'm adding the Jacksonville Jaguars to the list of teams for which I have a soft spot. Why? Well because I just read that the Jaguar's Foundation has given a total of $90,000 over the past three years to fund a fantastic Planned Parenthood program in Northeast Florida.

The program - Facts for Adolescents about Choices, Education and Sexuality, or FACES - includes a teen theater group and peer counseling designed to teach young people about everything from abstinence to HIV/AIDS prevention, and works to prevent unintended pregnancies. You can read more about it here.

I say this is very responsible good citizenship on the part of the Jaguars and shows deep concern for the community in which it exists. We need more philanthropic efforts like this from professional sports organizations. The Jaguars are providing good role modeling.

So this Fall, I'm rooting for the Jags!

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