I canceled my trip down to South Jersey tomorrow to see my son and his family because our local weather prognosticators are predicting torrential rains and heavy winds. Evidently Hurricane Hanna is about to pay a visit to the East Coast tonight and tomorrow.
So it got me thinking about how hurricanes seem to be visited upon us much more frequently these days. In rapid succession there was Hurricane Gustav, then Hurricane Hanna and now Hurricane Sarah - the so-called (hockey) mother of all hurricanes.
To the lay person hurricanes seem to be formed in total secrecy, gather power as they consolidate their blowing winds and hot air, and then appear as if out of the blue to cause damage wherever they land.
Hurricane Sarah is like that. A minor depression just weeks ago, Sarah has now become a storm and appears ready to take on the role of a full-blown hurricane.
But unlike Gustav and Hanna - hurricanes which people can only prepare for, not stop - Hurricane Sarah is preventable.
How you ask?
By telling everyone you know, including daughters and mothers, husbands and wives, sons and fathers, lovers and partners, that Hurricane Sarah when coupled with Tropical Depression John, will wreak havoc on their personal lives and the lives of the people they love.
Don't wait. Act now. The storm clouds are building. Don't let this disaster hit our shores.
You're so right. And the whole package will be masquerading as Bret and Bart Maverick -- rakish, funny and ever so charming -- 'til they bluff us all and make off with the treasury.
We can prepare, and do are best to prevent, but she is already causing catastrophe damage to the progress of women. Great analogy!
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